Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Our system offers a secure and efficient way to store and access patient health records. This includes information such as medical history, discharge summary, physical assessment, progress note, medication process, investigation process and other relevant data.


ACIS allows healthcare providers to diffuse all the medical prescription electronically including medications, monitoring, procedures and investigations. It also allows transmitting medication prescriptions electronically to the patient's pharmacy of choice. This eliminates the need for paper prescriptions and reduces the risk of errors in transcription.

Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

CDS is a feature of ACIS that provides healthcare providers with real-time information and guidance about patient care. CDS can alert providers to potential risks or complications. And help them identify potential patient risks, drug interactions; suggest appropriate actions, treatments and other relevant data.

Quality Assurance and Staff Development

Our system can track the percentage of staff members who have completed the required training of the facility. It could be broken down by department or job role to identify areas where additional training may be needed.

Billing and Claims

Our system includes a billing and claims module, allowing healthcare providers to easily submit claims and track payments. This reduces administrative tasks and streamlines the billing process.

Patient Portal

ACIS also offers a patient portal, allowing patients to access their own health information. Patients can schedule appointments, view test results and communicate with their healthcare provider directly through the portal.

Customizable Dashboards

ACIS allows you to create customizable dashboards that provide a quick overview of important metrics, such as patient volume, revenue Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and more.

Reporting and Analytics

Our system provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing you to generate reports on various aspects of your practice, such as patient outcomes, revenue and more.