Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an iterative and flexible approach to project management and software development. It emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and delivering value to customers through incremental and continuous improvement. The Agile methodology was originally introduced in the software development industry as a response to traditional, sequential project management approaches. It recognizes that requirements and circumstances can change during a project's lifecycle and aims to provide a more responsive and efficient framework.


Clinical Governance

Clinical governance is a framework and set of processes within healthcare organizations that ensures the quality and safety of patient care. It encompasses the systems, structures and processes that support and promote the delivery of high-quality healthcare services. The primary goal of clinical governance is to continuously improve patient outcomes by maintaining and enhancing the quality of care. It involves monitoring and evaluating clinical performance, implementing risk management strategies, promoting patient safety and fostering a culture of accountability and learning within the healthcare organization.


Change Model

Lewin's Model of Change is a widely recognized framework for understanding and managing organizational change. Developed by psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. It emphasizes the importance of preparing for change, actively implementing the change and then stabilizing and embedding the change within the organization. By following this model, organizations can navigate the change process more effectively and increase the likelihood of successful and sustainable change. It consists of three phases approach:

1. Unfreeze:

It requires recognizing the need for change and overcoming any resistance within the organization.

2. Change:

Once the organization is unfrozen and ready for change, the second stage focuses on implementing the desired changes. This stage often involves planning, communication and active involvement of employees.

3. Refreeze:

The final stage aims to stabilize the organization after the change has been implemented. It involves solidifying the new processes, behaviors and structures so that they become the new normal.

ACIS Framework

Enhancing patient safety and clinical governance is a primary objective within the healthcare sector. By embracing the agile methodology, healthcare organizations can respond rapidly to changes facing the industry and align the new processes with the dynamic healthcare landscape and finally decrease staff resistance by applying the Lewin’s Model approach.
